by car:
Šibenik is connected with Zagreb by highway .
by bus:
Informations and tickets:
Bus station Zagreb
by plane:
Air traffic is performed via two airports: the Split Airport which is 50 km far from Šibenik and Zadar Airport which is 70 km far Šibenik.
Split Airport
Zadar Airport
by train:
Krapanj is connected by railway traffic over Šibenik. Timetable is available at:
Croatian Railways website
Krapanj is a small island of Šibenik archipelago, located only 350 m from the land and separated by a wide channel. The ferry line from Brodarica, a village located along the Adriatic Coastal Road and only 5 km away from Šibenik, operates daily through the channel connecting the island with the land.
There is no car traffic on Krapanj so you'll have to leave you car in Brodarica.